
Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake

Could it be? Has Konami really sanctioned a remake of Metal Gear Solid three: Snake Eater ? Has someone at the visitor'south offices gazed from a high window, onto the grey and rained-off land of the modern espionage thriller, and decided that what we truly need is a return to romance and fantasy—a full-bodied dose of Russian rainforest? More likely is that the decision springs from an inward-looking urge to reshingle the reputation of one gaming'due south neat houses. The leaky news was accompanied by a sloosh of other revelations: Silent Hill and Castlevania are both, apparently, being revived too. Perhaps Konami had the states fooled all forth, crunching down on a potassium cyanide capsule, just equally Hideo Kojima walked out, and playing one-half-expressionless. Either style, if we are going back to Tselinoyarsk, what might we want from the return trip?

Comfort upgrades

Snake Eater

One of the problems facing Konami is the rude habit its best games have of defying fourth dimension—of growing rustic, equally opposed to rusty, with the passing years. Playing Silent Hill two recently, I was struck past its protagonist'south hobbled gainsay prowess; gripping a length of piping and lunging awkwardly to and fro, he resembled the swivelling turret of a tank. Just the fact is that I wouldn't change a affair. His heavy tread only highlighted the fact that he was anything but armoured, and that touch of the graceless and the automated gave u.s.a. the faint hint of a man cramped down into his own crush. However, it is also true that some parts of Snake Eater lend themselves to nipping and tucking.

We already had Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence , an expanded edition that unhooked the camera from its crane, up in the jungle awning, and permit us pan it effectually at our leisure. So in that location was Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D , on the Nintendo 3DS, which, with its stereoscopic depth, felt snakier than always—firing foliage at our eyeballs, as we crawled forth at belly-peak. In that location are a few other things in Snake Eater that we would do good from shedding. For instance, having to rummage through the heavy menus of its hero'due south haversack every fourth dimension you wish to block a different shade of green onto his face is something we could exercise without. And, while nosotros're at it, what nigh giving the sometime dog a few new tricks? In Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , we found him adopting a rugged sprint-and-skulk strategy. Why not imbue his younger iteration with the ability to swing through the jungle like a silent Tarzan?

Open world?

Snake Eater

While we're on the discipline of The Phantom Pain , that game'south hero (an older, shrapnel-packed Snake, with a hand of prosthetic red) roamed the desert on horseback, raiding enemy bases, and built up a private armed forces nation. This open-globe setup doesn't quite work within the coiled confines of Snake Eater . Only, if Konami wanted to reboot the history of the serial—a quest closer to gardening than to writing, considering the tangled undergrowth of plot that would need merrily strimming away—information technology could prepare Snake on the privateering path all the sooner. How about this: He goes rogue mid-mission, tells Major Cipher where to shove information technology, and starts dreaming up his nuclear-equipped empire right in that location in the jungle. In the meantime, nosotros get to infiltrate outposts and start recruiting local soldiers to the cause.


Snake Eater

As blasphemous as this may exist, I e'er relished Kiefer Sutherland's minimal portrayal of Snake. Information technology could well be that Sutherland'south amanuensis managed to negotiate a per-word rate for his client's softened growl, or that Kojima made the creative decision that a grapheme who had been rubbed and scarred by time might not be quite and then loquacious. (Given Norman Reedus's gruff performance in Decease Stranding —in which he treated words like excess weight and shed them, lest they boring him down—I'g inclined to believe that it was the latter.) Whatever the reason, there was something to information technology; and I wouldn't necessarily be against the thought of a new voice-over. This is not to say that David Hayter isn't the definitive Ophidian—just that a reboot, depending on the level of boot involved, gives Konami the option to try something new. For a slice of instant spoof, Konami could recruit Jon Lovitz to the crusade and give players the selection of voice-over. Hayter or Lovitz, y'all're guaranteed a proficient time.

Bloober Team

According to the report, Virtuos is behind the remake, but that could easily be a ruse. Now, nosotros know that Bloober Squad has reached an understanding with Konami to work on something , and, given that Bloober Team'south recent history is daubed with horror, Silent Hill seems like a safe bet. But what if Bloober Team has its sights on Ophidian? The studio recently made Blair Witch , teasing out the natural, twig-snapping suspense of the outdoors, and it isn't as though Tselinoyarsk is short on frights. Consider the Cobras, the elite squad that comprises the game's dominate fights. We have The Sorrow, a milk-pale ghost who weeps blood; The Fear, a cross betwixt human and spider, with a natural language like a tentacle; and and so there is The Fury, The End, and The Pain, who respectively probe our phobias of fire, former historic period, and hornets. Bloober Team could remain faithful to the mechanics just change the tone: having u.s. hiding, dodging phantoms, and oozing through crocodile-prowled waters. In short, miring us in survival horror.


The Metal Gear serial is no stranger to a shift of genre. Metal Gear Ascension: Revengeance , a hack and slash from PlatinumGames, put us in the cybernetic shoes of Raiden, who, wielding a sword, a glowing crimson eye, and a caput of silver pilus, diced his enemies into mosaics. And then there was Metal Gear Acid —i of my personal favourites—which reshuffled the stealth-activity formula into the stiff and chancy genre of the carte game. In Japan, at that place is Metallic Gear Solid Snake Eater Pachislot , a Pachinko cabinet across whose sleeky panes stream a series of the game's cutscenes, plushly rendered in the Pull a fast one on Engine. If the developers at Virtuos wants to keep these gorgeous renders intact, I wouldn't arraign them for delivering a straight port. What'southward more, the bright-blinking thrill of Pachinko may just fit Serpent's mission; goodness knows it was ever a run a risk, and facing off against the Cobras took balls of steel.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake,


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