
Games To Play On Oculus Quest 2

Information technology'southward safe to say that Oculus Quest came out of the gates swinging. That makes picking a list of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games pretty tough.

Facebook's standalone VR headsets, which seem to have singlehandedly reignited the entire VR industry, launched with over 50 apps in 2019. In the twelvemonth that'south followed information technology's blood-red-picked a steady stream of other greatest hits to bring to an entirely new audience and, since the launch of Quest 2 in 2020, doubled downward on new content also.

The upshot is a platform that has a tightly curated list of fantastic VR experiences that are easy to discover.

Meanwhile, if you're looking for our all-time VR game lists outside of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games, brand sure to check these out:

  • Best VR Games Of All Time
  • Best VR Games – PSVR
  • All-time VR Games – Oculus Rift + Quest Link
  • Best VR Games – SteamVR For Vive, Index And Reverb G2

Also keep in mind that, while our all-time PSVR, Rift and Steam VR games lists are all fairly consistent, we approach our Quest list with a bit of a different lens. Nosotros accept to weigh up how much the wire-costless gameplay improves the feel against how well a game has been ported and its technical performance.

Y'all'll see a lot of different changes in this list, then. If you prefer PC games, don't forget some of these titles will back up cross-buy on the Oculus Rift store.

But which are our favorites? (Don't forget to check our listing of the best games to sideload on Quest via SideQuest, and if you're looking to join a friend in VR be certain to cheque out our list of all-time multiplayer games on Quest!)

Note: Facebook changed its name to Meta in Oct 2021 and, with information technology, changed the name of the Oculus Quest two to Meta Quest 2. In this list, nosotros refer to both the all-time Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games to cover both eras of naming.

Best Quest 2 Final - TEXT

What Are The Best Oculus Quest Games And Best Meta Quest 2 Games?

Nosotros've gone deep into the Quest library to come upward with our updated list of the 25 all-time Oculus Quest games and all-time Meta Quest 2 games. Quest already spans a various number of genres, offering everything from accessible entry points to blockbuster titans.

If you're looking to build out your library, you need to start here.

Oculus Quest Games And Best Meta Quest 2 Games: Honorable Mentions

Before we kick off the full list, we want to mention a handful of games that were just shy of making the peak 25, either because other games nudged them off or perhaps other entries in the same genre took their place.

With that in heed, you lot should definitely check out: Green Hell VR, Lilliputian Cities VR, Cleave Snowboarding, Warplanes: WW1 Fighters, Golf+ and Tentacular

Oculus Quest Games And All-time Meta Quest two Games

25. Zenith

The dream of a total VR MMO has long lingered over the VR scene.

Information technology'southward an incredibly ambitious idea that's incalcuably tough to pull off. Zenith doesn't have all the answers and it's still early days, merely it'southward already head and shoulders above the contest with a robust quest line, numerous events, fun character progression and cross-play between practically every VR headset out in that location.

Sure, it's a rough game with a lot of bugs and issues to iron out, but Zenith's just on the start of a journeying that will hopefully terminal for years from at present. If developer Ramen VR continues to maintain the game, information technology'll easily climb our listing of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest ii games.

Read More than: Zenith Review

24. Blade And Sorcery: Nomad (Quest 2 only)

Information technology's definitely in need of more piece of work, merely fifty-fifty in its current land, it'due south tough to deny that Blade And Sorcery: Nomad is 1 of the most entertaining gainsay titles on Quest 2. In this physics-driven funhouse, you can either tackle waves of enemies in arena modes or sneak through dungeons in a new, more linear offering.

That sounds simplistic merely the game'south action is a complex explosion of existent globe rules, with weapons that need to be swung with strength and piercing mechanics that are gruesomely convincing. Throw in fun magic options and mod support, and Blade And Sorcery: Nomad earns its identify on the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest ii games list.

Read More: Blade And Sorcery: Nomad Review

23. I Expect You To Die two: The Spy And The Liar

Why isn't Schell's classic VR puzzle game, I Expect Y'all To Dice, included in this list? Simple, because information technology merely got an even amend sequel. Yup, some other 6 levels of expiry-defying brain teasers look in a game that makes a more concerted effort to deliver a memorable story.

In that location are tons of VR escape rooms out there, but I Expect You To Dice 2 stands out thanks to its thoughtful approach to VR interactions and world-building that knows when to be consequent with our reality and when to crook its rules.

This sequel is ane of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest two games, just you should definitely check out the first game in the series too.

Read More: I Expect Y'all To Die 2 Review

22. Star Wars: Vader Immortal Trilogy

Vader Immortal isn't a massive, multi-hr Star Wars epic with upgradable skills and deep gainsay. It is, by traditional gaming standards, a pretty slim bundle, lasting a niggling over 90 minutes. Only wait below the surface and you'll find something much more interesting; an episodic series that wants to provide a completely immersive VR experience that anyone can relish.

There's fun lightsaber gainsay to be had both in the story and the excellent Dojo fashion, just Vader Immortal's best moments come from basking in the presence of the Dark Lord himself and meeting other characters in VR. It'due south an exercise in story-living and a pretty good one at that.

It stretches the definition of game, and then, but non enough to avoid our all-time Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest ii games list.

Read More than: Star Wars: Vader Immortal Review

21. Walkabout Mini Golf

Unlike snowboarding, mini golf game is actually something that could and should piece of work quite well in VR. Walkabout Minigolf is all the proof you need; it'south an authentic representation of the game that goes beyond what's possible in real life whilst as well remaining authentic throughout.

This ticks all the boxes – plenty of courses, extensive multiplayer back up, different themes for each level and, higher up all, pinpoint physics that are almost indistinguishable from the real thing. Hard to fault!

20. Ghost Giant

Upon offset glance, Ghost Giant appears to be a charming lilliputian puzzler that makes the most of diorama-sized worlds.

And that'south very much the example; in this adorable papercraft world you help your young companion out with different chores and tasks. That includes tickling clams and making intentive art in wonderfully tranquil locations. It'due south whimsy, delightful and astonishing in VR. But that's but half the story.

Ghost Giant also hides a thoughtful have on depression, smartly communicated through this new medium. The game uses intimacy, calibration and connectedness in engaging ways that bring you closer to the world and characters effectually you. It's surprising and responsible, delivering some incredibly powerful moments.

All told, it's i of the well-nigh striking and unforgettable examples of VR storytelling even so seen and one of the best Oculus Quest games and all-time Meta Quest 2 games.

Read More than: Ghost Giant Review

19. Moss

Moss is i of a handful of 2018 games that proved that third-person VR experiences don't just work merely can make for some of the accented best content out on the platform right at present. You lot guide an adorable little mouse named Quill through diorama-sized levels, solving puzzles and taking on fearsome critters in sword-based combat.

While information technology'south mechanically refined, Moss' real claim to fame is the bond you build with Quill over the course of the adventure. Playing as a larger companion to the tiny protagonist, you really beginning to connect with her as y'all work together to overcome obstacles. It feels very much like a squad effort, which is quite a remarkable feeling in itself.

Moss is easily 1 of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games – bring on Book ii.

Read More: Moss Review

18. Gorn

Some other physics-driven combat game, Gorn is a decidedly more slapstick experience than The Walking Dead or Blade And Sorcery, just that'southward all part of its amuse. You take on a series of gladiator battles, bashing, slicing and impaling meatheaded enemies with a variety of weapons, from wrist-mounted crossbows to Wolverine-style claws.

It's might be dizzy, but Gorn admittedly nails its weapon handling, with an elasticated touch on that helps take some of the weight out of throwing a sword around. As such, it earns a staple position in the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest games listing.

Read More: Gorn Review

17. Song in the Smoke

It was a vicious battle between Song in the Smoke and Green Hell VR for this spot. They're both fantastic survival games and both worthy of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games lists. Ultimately, though Vocal in the Smoke takes the priz on Quest.

Not just because it'due south a groovy game but also because information technology's an incredible technical accomplishment on the platform. Huge areas drenched in dense vegetation are fix for exploration, and you tin jump between them with seamless, almost-instant loading.

But, game-wise, Song in the Fume is as well a perfectly balanced blend of crafting, resources gathering and management. Plus its deep respect for nature shines through, making for one of the best Oculus Quest games and all-time Meta Quest games.

Read More: Song in the Smoke Review

sixteen. Until You Fall

A fashionable and effortlessly-cool VR rougelike that has you tackling runs of a randomized dungeon and starting fresh every time yous die. A fast-moving progression system keeps the game rewarding and addictive, while the lively arcade action is easy to pick upward and difficult to master.

If you lot're looking for a VR game y'all'll revisit fourth dimension and fourth dimension again, look no further than Until You Fall. It's one of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games.

Read More: Until You lot Fall Review

xv. The Room VR: A Dark Thing

Puzzle masters Fireproof Games knock information technology out of the park again with a typically first-class rendition of The Room series, this time for VR headsets. This brusk, sweet chance is ready in the British Found of Archaeology, where you lot'll solve challenging trials in search of a missing archaeologist.

What makes The Room VR work is its commitment to the platform it'due south actualization on. This isn't but a bunch of puzzles that would exist just besides-served on a traditional screen; each and every 1 has been thoughtfully invented with VR at its core. That makes information technology easily ane of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest ii games, especially if you're into puzzles.

Read More: The Room VR Review

14. Population: One

VR does Fortnite right in this superb battle royale shooter. Population: One takes place on a huge map in which teams of three battle information technology out to be the terminal ones continuing.  Choose where to drop, scavenge for supplies and make certain to stay in safe zones as you lot fight to survive.

Not only is Population: One a rock-solid shooter, but information technology'south got some cracking VR mechanics too, similar scaling up walls with your hands or property your artillery out to glide when you leap off the side of a edifice. It can be an intense experience that certainly won't be for everyone just, if you're looking to get your online shooter gear up in VR, this is your best bet.

Throw in total cantankerous-play back up and Population: 1 chop-chop climbs the chart of the best Oculus Quest games.

Read More than: Population: One Review

13. Echo VR

Though we'd love to see Alone Echo itself come up to Quest, Echo VR is a thrilling add-on to the library all on its own. In this multiplayer zip-gravity game, y'all take part in futuristic esports, throwing discs to score points on a team. The movement is fast, fluid and entirely natural.

Though we don't take the excellent Repeat Combat expansion hither (however), Echo VR had stood the test of time as a multiplayer game with a growing community that was naturally conceived for the platform. To u.s.a., that'southward far more than important than trying to cram a genre anybody wants to see in VR onto the platform with mixed results.

This is 1 of the immersive VR experiences and one of the best Oculus Quest games and all-time Meta Quest 2 games.

Read More: Echo VR Review

12. A Fisherman's Tale

Equally swell as VR is, its initial novelty is jump to article of clothing off later your beginning few weeks or so.

If you want to recapture the magic of putting on the headset for the first time, though, there's i destination that'due south jump to deliver: A Fisherman's Tale. This is a mind-bending puzzle game unlike anything you'll see elsewhere. That alone makes it one of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games.

In A Fisherman's Tale, you solve intricate, scale-based puzzles in which you lot work… with yourself. Its all-time puzzles utilise a miniature model of the lighthouse the game's set in. Lift the roof of the model and you lot'll see a mini-you lot, imitating your every move. Just effort and go on your encephalon from breaking equally you lot manus yourself giant objects, or reach down to poke your ain head.

It's a trip to say the least. Throw in a poignant story most self-acceptance and you take a curt, sharp VR game that will stay with you much longer than most multi-60 minutes epics.

Read More: A Fisherman's Tale Review

11. Eleven: Table Tennis

If you desire the about accurate, accurate representation of a sport in VR today, Eleven: Table Tennis is easily your best bet. This simulation-level game offers the most convincing accept on a sport that makes perfect sense in VR.

Whether you're serving up hotshots or getting in desperate returns, Eleven's physics comport exactly the style you'd wait and tapping the ball with your controller starts to experience as natural every bit if it were a paddle.

More than simply a nifty game, Eleven is i of the rare VR experiences that feels similar a genuine replacement for our reality. It's that good and one of the best Oculus Quest games and all-time Meta Quest 2 games.

x. Ultrawings two (Quest two Only)

The first Ultrawings was an enjoyable flying game that offered outgoing controls for anyone to get started with every bit well as tricky missions that took skill to primary.

Ultrawings two takes that gameplay and expands on it on a massive scale. There's easily over 50 hours of content here if you're committed to getting gold in every mission, but even just unlocking every aeroplane and airport volition accept a significant clamper of fourth dimension.

Not only that, but that game has incredible diverseness, with mission types that have you from races to full-on combat, and each of the 5 vehicles offers a new spin on the formula. With multiplayer and more content on the way, Ultrawings two is likely to exist i of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games for some futurity.

Read More: Ultrawings 2 Review

ix. A Township Tale

Fair warning when it comes to A Township Tale: the game is categorically unfinished.

I mean that literally; developer Alta is yet plugging away adding new components to the experience and fixing bugs as we speak. Be warned that you won't take the smoothest experience with this open up-world online adventure/survival game, then. But if you tin overlook at, you lot're in for something special.

A Township Tale is incredibly detailed, request players to build out a boondocks by collecting resources, fending off enemies and building ameliorate gear that will let you to venture out further into its world. Nigh all of its interactions are incredibly considered and, though it's difficult to learn, the game's fostered an impressive community of passionate players to teach you.

There's nonetheless a ways to go, but it's already clear that A Township Tale is ane of the best Oculus Quest games.

Read More: A Township Tale Review

8. Beat Saber

VR'due south poster kid finds its most natural fit on Quest. In Beat Saber, you lot slash notes to a beat, dodge obstacles and try to master an ever-growing list of fantastic tracks.

Wire-complimentary gameplay breaks down the barriers between yous and the music as you piece your way through an ever-growing list of tracks. Trounce Saber is empowering, energetic and VR'south most devilishly addictive game yet. Don't look that status to change any time soon.

You probably already knew that Beat Saber one of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games.

Read More: Beat Saber Review

7. Onward

Whereas Onward on PC is a worthy contender for the best online shooter, it definitely faces stiff competition. Only, on Quest, the wire-free gameplay actually comes into its own, opening upwardly new tactics like hands going prone. Yep, the game's suffered visually to get onto the headset, but when y'all're aiming downwards your sights, scanning for targets, you won't notice.

Onward pays close attention to realism, making information technology a game that tin can exist hard to get to grips with, but absolutely rewarding to main. For that reason, it's 1 of the all-time Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games.

Read More: Onward Review

half-dozen. Pistol Whip

Pistol Whip may be the new kid on the cake but, for our coin, its sharpshooting, abrupt sounding, vanquish-based gameplay proves to be even more hypnotic than Beat Saber. In others words, information technology's easily 1 of the best Oculus Quest games/best Meta Quest 2 games.

In this neon-lit shooter, you stream down corridors, blasting bad guys to grizzly tunes, avoiding incoming fire and trying to rack up the best scores.

Pistol Whip'due south key is to accept influence non just from the VR sales king but also Superhot and, about prominently, John Wick. Whereas Vanquish Saber wants to make you a dancing Jedi principal, Pistol Whip aims to teach y'all gun-fu with style, elegantly fusing the rhythmic and cinematic together a pulsating, vibrant monster of its own.

Read More: Pistol Whip

5. Resident Evil 4 VR (Quest ii only)

We had our doubts that Resident Evil 4 would really work well in VR, only it non only survived the transition – it ended up beingness 1 of the all-time Oculus Quest games and all-time Meta Quest two games. This is a full port of Leon Kennedy's all-time-known zombie adventure, with a first-person view and full move control back up.

Certain, some elements of this version of the game don't hold up well, similar virtual cutscene screens. Just when you lot're facing a horde of enemies with your back literally confronting the wall, it'due south difficult to care. This is a wonderful way to revisit a archetype and one of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest two games.

Read More: Resident Evil 4 VR Review

4. Unplugged

There was a heck of a lot of doubt — even from our army camp — that Unplugged could really work. It's a Guitar Hero-style game in which you strum notes arriving to the vanquish. But, instead of holding a plastic peripheral in your manus, the Quest version of the game relies entirely on hand-tracking. Despite having some technical hiccups, nosotros recollect it really works.

When you striking a streak, Unplugged is a genuinely empowering air guitar experience that volition have y'all shredding with the best of them, and it'll only go better as the tech improves. For that reason, it earns a place on our best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest games list.

Read More: Unplugged Review

iii. Demeo

Demeo isn't a perfect tabletop game by any means. Just it is a really good one and, more importantly, its get-go-rate four-player multiplayer VR experience makes it feel like a genuine social event in a fashion that no flatscreen game — and even few VR games — have e'er actually matched.

You pick a class and tackle randomly generated dungeons, but the game'south punishing difficulty means sessions can last anywhere from a few minutes to multiple hours. Demeo is already cemented as one of the best Oculus Quest games and all-time Meta Quest 2 games but, with more content on the way, including new dungeons and features, it'south only going to become improve.

Read More: Demeo Review

2. Superhot VR

Superhot VR is one of the oldest games on this listing and even so, over 4 years subsequently, information technology's still hands 1 of the best examples of how VR can requite us entirely new gaming experiences. In this cinematic shooter, times moves only when you practice. Sit withal and the earth around you lot will freeze, but motility your body and it will jolt back to life. Information technology's your very own Matrix simulator.

What makes the game such an indelible hit is its accessible blueprint that instantly picks up on a professional person slickness you lot won't find anywhere else in VR. From last-infinitesimal gun grabs to well-placed knife throws, the game constantly delivers unprecedented satisfaction with its action.

Superhot VR is and always volition be i of the best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest 2 games – surely nosotros're way past due for a sequel?

Read More: Superhot VR Review

1. The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners

We would have never pegged a game based upon The Walking Dead to bear arguably the best pattern and user-interaction you'll find in VR, simply Saints & Sinners delivers all that then some.

This sets the bar not simply for VR zombie games but basically the entire medium with ridiculously entertaining physics-based gainsay that has you wrestling with hordes of undead, throwing every ounce of effort you can muster into every swing and stab.

But this isn't merely a silly sandbox or wave-based survival game (though it has that too). Saints & Sinners packs its activeness into a full, meaty VR campaign that sees you trekking through the remains of New Orleans. Add together in human enemies, side-missions and the power to kill zombies with a spoon, and you have 1 of the deepest native VR games on the market.

Plus, thanks to an obscenely good port from programmer Skydance Interactive, Saints & Sinners takes the throne at the pinnacle of our best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest ii games list.

Read More: The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Review

Do you agree with our list of best Oculus Quest games and all-time Meta Quest ii games? Let u.s. know in the comments beneath!

Best Oculus Quest games and Best Meta Quest 2 Games Update 05/17/22 – List reordered slighty, Honorable Mentions added.

Best Oculus Quest games and Best Meta Quest two Games Update 03/fifteen/22 – Larcenauts, Carve Snowboarding removed. Zenith, Ultrawings two added.

Best Oculus Quest games and Best Meta Quest two Games Update 11/26/21 – Sniper Elite VR, Carmine Matter, Cosmodread, In Death, FNAFVR removed. Resident Evil 4 VR, Song in the Smoke, Blade And Sorcery: Nomad, Gorn, Unplugged added.

Best Oculus Quest games and Best Meta Quest ii Games Update 08/30/21 – I Expect You To Die, Myst, Contractors, Job Simulator removed. A Township Tale, Sniper Aristocracy VR, Larcenauts, I Expect Yous To Die 2 added.

Best Oculus Quest games and Best Meta Quest 2 Games Update 06/15/21 – The Under Presents, Blair Witch, Vacation Simulator, Accounting+ removed. Demeo, Carve Snowboarding, Walkabout, Cosmodread added.

Best Oculus Quest games and Best Meta Quest two Games Update 12/25/20 – Population: One, Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, Myst, Blair Witch, Contractors added. Spaceteam, Robo Recall, Apex Construct, Lies Beneath, Phantom removed.

All-time Oculus Quest games and Best Meta Quest 2 Games Update 10/12/20 – Until You Autumn added. Trover Saves The Universe removed.

Best Oculus Quest games and Best Meta Quest 2 Games Update 09/thirteen/20 – Acron, Downwards The Rabbit Hole, National Geographic, Rec Room, VRChat, Go along Talking, VVR, The Climb, Exorcist removed. Onward, Repeat VR, Spaceteam VR, The Nether Presents, FNAFVR, Phantom: Covert Ops, Trover Saves The Universe added.

Best Oculus Quest games and All-time Meta Quest 2 Games Update 04/09/twenty – Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets, SPT, Journey of the Gods, Face Your Fears II, Racket: Nx, Job Simulator removed. Downward The Rabbit Hole, Ghost Behemothic, The Room VR, Eleven: Tabular array Tennis, Vacation Simulator, OhShape added.

Best Oculus Quest games and All-time Meta Quest ii Games Update 12/06/19 – Fisherman's Tale, Pistol Whip, Espire 1, SPT, National Geographic VR, The Climb, Curious Tale Of The Stolen Pets added. Raccoon Lagoon, Wands, Fujii, Orbus Reborn, BoxVR, Dreadhalls, Thumper removed.

Our list of best Oculus Quest games and best Meta Quest two games is designed to be updated at least iii times a year.

Games To Play On Oculus Quest 2,


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