Mortal Kombat is obviously one of the greatest fighting franchises e'er released. Aside from Street Fighter, possibly fifty-fifty the greatest. Of form, the controversy and gore certainly helped add to its mystique and popularity. Merely to a higher place all, what has fabricated information technology then endearing throughout the years is its incredible cast of characters.

The characters of Mortal Kombat take since become iconic, and many of them have become synonymous with gaming as a whole. 1 just needs to hear the words "fighting game" to envision the likes of Liu Kang or Scorpion. Simply who among them is the greatest?

Updated on April 6, 2021, by Reyadh Rahaman: Each of these mighty kombatants possesses unique strengths and impressive powers which make the roster of Mortal Kombat games a blood-drenched rainbow. This diversity leads to selectable characters being able to unleash fell finishing moves in the course of Fatalities and Brutalities in which to end their adversary's life in a plethora of punishing means.

To brand things easier for learning these finishers, the input for each button has been given a number so that both users of Xbox or Playstation controllers can follow along:

1 = 10 button on Xbox, Square push button on PlayStation

2 = Y button on Xbox, Triangle button on PlayStation

iii = A push button on Xbox, Cantankerous button on PlayStation

four = B Button on Xbox, Circle push on PlayStation

5 = Correct Trigger on Xbox, R2 shoulder push on PlayStation

vi = Correct Bumper on Xbox, R1 shoulder button on PlayStation

7 = Left Bumper on Xbox, L1 shoulder button on PlayStation

x Noob Saibot

Despite the goofy name, Noob Saibot is certainly a force to be reckoned with. They are frequently considered to exist a cheap character, as he has some incredible powers that few other characters do. Saibot can exercise a lot of fun and original things, like controlling shadows and generating intense Spirit Balls. However, he can also teleport, and actually, who wants to face up a teleporting enemy? It makes things a piffling difficult.

Finally, he tin can summon a shadow-double to tag team his enemies, further signifying his complete cheapness. Players enjoying Mortal Kombat 11 can even take advantage of his overpowered attacks in the most modern entry of this famed franchise.

Noob Saibot's Mortal Kombat 11 Finishers


  • Split Conclusion: Back, Forward, Back, Forward, 4
  • Double Trouble: Down, Downward, Downwards, 1
  • Stage Fatality: Forrad, Forward, Down, three


  • The Klassic: Downwardly + 2
  • Decapper: Throw
  • Skinned: Forward + Throw
  • Wow Out: Down, Up, half-dozen
  • Hooked: Down, Back, 2
  • More Portals More Problems: Downward, Back, one
  • The Darkness: Back + 1, one + 3
  • Never Once again: Back, Forward, one

9 Ermac

A lot of people sleep on Ermac, which is a shame because he is coolness incarnate. For one matter, Ermac is composed of thousands of dead souls, all of whom have converged into one concrete body. If that doesn't make y'all the coolest fighter in the earth, nosotros don't know what does.

He also utilizes his dangerous telekinesis, allowing him to perform various circuitous actions similar floating away from his enemies and attacking them from a distance, just as he did to Jax in 2011's Mortal Kombat. Sadly, Ermac is not yet in MK11, however, players are hoping that they'll brand an appearance at some point.

Ermac's Mortal Kombat X Finishers


  • Inner Workings: Down, Upwards, Back
  • Head Out: Forward, Down, Down, Up
  • Stage Fatality: Down, Upward, Downwards, Downwardly, 3


  • Nether Force: Perform ten special attacks during a match with the terminal hitting coming from Air Force Port
  • We Win: Perform a 5-hit philharmonic and finish with Force Elevator
  • Gluttony: Player must have less than forty% health remaining and the concluding hit must come up from Tele-Hold
  • Soul Eater: Perform a 10-hit philharmonic, have 3 souls active, utilize Soul Ball, and the concluding hit must come from Soul Release
  • Controlled Chaos: Actor must be flying with Soul Accession, the terminal hit must come from Soul Charge while airborne

viii Sindel

Sindel is another mystical character who uses her magical abilities to her advantage. Some of her abilities include sending a regal fireball towards her opponents, levitating in the air, and shooting fireballs out of her rima oris. But perhaps her almost famous move is the Banshee Scream, which sees Sindel screaming in an annoying and extremely high-pitched voice, leaving her opponents stunned and open to attack. She's non physically powerful or anything, but she does take some spectacular moves that literally leave her opponents breathless and stunned.

Sindel'due south Mortal Kombat 11 Finishers


  • Scream Queen: Down, Down, Forward, 4
  • Hair Today Gone Tomorrow: Dorsum, Forrad, Back, ane


  • The Klassic: Down + 2
  • Edenian Guillotine: Frontwards + 1 + iii
  • Violent Uprising: 7

7 Quan Chi

Quan Chi is known as the most powerful wizard that the earth has e'er seen, and...yes, that sums information technology up pretty well. He tin freely travel through portals to stun and misfile his enemies, he tin can reanimate the dead and make them serve him, he can make imitation copies of himself to trick his enemies, and much similar Shang Tsung, he tin can steal souls.

He tin can also perform a lot of scary stuff in battle, like teleporting above his enemies, summoning a skeletal paw to literally slap his opponents, generating magic circles, and shoot flaming light-green skulls from his hands. In brusk, he is utterly terrifying, and we would never want to fight him. And, thankfully, most won't (unless he is released as a DLC graphic symbol), as Quan Chi has not yet appeared in Mortal Kombat 11's roster.

Quan Chi's Mortal Kombat Ten Finishers


  • Listen Game: Forward, Back, Forward, Back, 4
  • Both Ends: Down, Forwards, Back, Forward, 2
  • Stage Fatality: Back, Forward, Downwards, ii


  • Kurb Stomp: Must press Down iii times before the final headbutt of Sky Crush
  • Skull Transplant: Must exist at a jumping distance, hold down two during the last hit of Skull Fustigate
  • Touch Of Expiry: The target must be continuing in a Final Hex spell circle, and they must exist blocking during the terminal hit of Ground Burst
  • Blood Shower: Must win the get-go round with a grab and the last hitting must come from grab besides
  • Puggles' Wrath: Must exist at a jumping distance and the opponent must have at least x% health remaining, press 3 exactly 4 times during the last striking of Demon Grab

6 Shang Tsung

Shang Tsung is the OG final boss for a reason - he'southward really, actually powerful. His main movement is to morph into whatsoever Kombatant he and then chooses. However, this is more than surface-level morphing, as he also takes on all of their abilities and special moves. This alone places Shang Tsung high on the list of most powerful Kombatants.

We hateful, he IS the Kombatants! All the same, that's not all he has upward his sleeve. He as well has the ability to shoot flaming skulls towards his opponents, and he tin can fifty-fifty steal small portions of their souls, giving him small damage boosts and slightly restoring his health.

Shang Tsung's Mortal Kombat 11 Finishers


  • Kondemned To The Damned: Dorsum, Forward, Downward, Downwards, 1
  • Shokan Reborn: Dorsum, Forwards, Back, 4
  • Phase Fatality: Up, Upward, Back, 1


  • The Klassic: Down + 2
  • Essence Thief: Forward + Throw or Forward + 1 + 3
  • Visceral Punt: Throw or 1 + 3
  • Walk It Off: Back, Forrard, four
  • True L-50: Down, Back, one
  • Fountain Of Blood: Down, Back, 4
  • Spatial Overload: Down, Up
  • Inclement Weather: Down, Forward, three

v Kotal Kahn

Kotal Kahn is unbelievably powerful, then much so that we kind of consider information technology adulterous. For one thing, he has immense physical forcefulness and is able to break the bones of his opponents with a unmarried punch. He likewise wields a massive weapon called the Macuahuitl, which he is able to utilize to obliterate his enemies.

He tin also literally draw upon the strength and ability of sunlight, which both allow him to heal his physical wounds and deal substantial damage to his enemies. Finally, he tin can enter Blood God state, allowing him to phone call down a axle of incredible solar flames. Information technology'southward no wonder why he'southward considered a God.

Kotal Khan's Mortal Kombat eleven Finishers


  • Totem Sacrifice: Back, Down, Back, 3
  • Kat Nutrient: Back, Forrard, Back, Forward, ane
  • Stage Fatality: Forward, Back, Down, 1


  • The Klassic: Down + 2
  • Burnt: Forward + Throw
  • Dorsum Stabber: Throw
  • Bad Kitty: Back, Forward, four
  • Downwardly The Middle: Downward, Back, 4, 6
  • Not A Violent Kahn: Down, Back, 2, 6
  • Taste Of Blood: Down, Back, ii
  • Sawed: Down, Forrad, 2

four Shao Kahn

Information technology really doesn't get much scarier than this. Serving as the final boss in both Mortal Kombat 2 and Mortal Kombat III, Shao Kahn is evil incarnate. Much like Kotal Kahn, Shao Kahn has superhuman strength and immovability, which of course makes him an imposing effigy and an incredibly difficult opponent to physically best.

He can also wield light spears, explosive balls, force fields, and of form, his Wrath Hammer, which tin can decimate opponents in a single hit. Oh, and he tin can also generate soulnados, obliterate entire civilizations, and steal billions of souls with combined soul steals and portals.

Shao Khan'southward Mortal Kombat eleven Finishers


  • Back Diddled Out: Back, Forward, Downward, Down, two
  • Kahn-Sequences: Back, Forward, Back, 1
  • Stage Fatality: Downwards, Down, Dorsum, four


  • The Klassic: Downwardly + 2
  • Obliterated: Downward, Back, 4
  • Spiraling Out: Downwardly, Back, 3, six
  • Charging Through: Back, Forrad, 3
  • Going Ham...mer: 7
  • Kahn Croquet: Forwards + 7
  • Head Kabob: 1, 2, 1 + 3
  • Spoils of War: Down, Back, i
  • Nothing Left: Back, Forward, 3, Downwards, 6

3 Onaga

Onaga is so incredibly immense and unsafe that fifty-fifty Shao Kahn feared physically fighting him, instead relying on poison. That alone tells you all you need to know about the sheer vastitude of Onaga. He is so big that he sends shockwaves towards his opponents after leaping and landing on the ground, and he is fifty-fifty able to generate small shockwaves to knock his enemies back.

Oh, and he'due south also a dragon, which ways he can spew flames and generate fireballs. When Onaga has the Kamidogu he is virtually unstoppable, and not even the combined powers of Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Raiden could stop him. Thankfully for the competitive scene, Onaga has only appeared as a playable graphic symbol in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, though, in that game his special moves were monstrously overpowered.

Onaga'southward Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Special Moves

  • Forceful Doom: Throw
  • Dragon's Burn: Downward, Forward, 1
  • Jumping Stomp: Downwards, Upwardly, 2
  • Sliding Kick: Downwards, Back, 4
  • Dirty Face: Down, Back, 3
  • Flame Breath: Down, Back, 2

2 Liu Kang

When it comes to mortal humans, no one is as powerful as Liu Kang. He is a vi-time Grand Champion of Mortal Kombat (four in the original timeline, two in the alternate), and he was able to best the likes of Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn, who should have hands overpowered Liu with their animal strength and mystical powers.

Such is the fable and unstoppable nature of Liu Kang. While Liu tin generate fire and use various mystical abilities, he tends to rely on his incredible speed, agility, acrobatic skills, and martial arts to best his opponents. Sometimes old school is the all-time schoolhouse.

Liu Kang'due south Mortal Kombat 11 Finishers


  • Burn Out: Down, Back, Downward, Forward, 1
  • Abdomen Of The Fauna: Back, Down, Back, Forrard, 2
  • Stage Fatality: Back, Forward, Back, 3


  • The Klassic: Downwards + two
  • Become Chucked: Downward, Back, Forward, 2
  • 1 Inch Death Strike: Down, Dorsum, 3
  • Insert Koin: Throw or one + 3
  • Wing By: Back, Forward, 3
  • The Chosen 1: Down, Back, 4, 1
  • Klassic Kicks: Frontwards + Throw or Forward + 1 + 3
  • Scorching Presence: Back, Forward, i

i Raiden

Of course, the superlative spot goes to Raiden. How could it NOT go to Raiden!? Raiden is literally the God of thunder and lightning, and he is equally as powerful as ane would expect. He uses and manipulates electricity at will, and can pretty much do anything you can think of with it.

He can use it to both heal himself and resurrect others. He can summon lightning bolts and shoot electricity from his hands, which of course has the ability to incapacitate, and fifty-fifty impale, all of his opponents. He is as well unbelievably fast, he can ready traps, create forcefields, manipulate objects and people, and even control the weather. Put just, he is a God, and he comes equipped with all the bells and whistles that accompany such a lofty designation.

Raiden'due south Mortal Kombat 11 Finishers


  • Alternating Electric current: Back, Down, Dorsum, 1
  • Directly Current: Downward, Forwards, Back, three
  • Stage Fatality: Back, Back, Down, iii


  • The Klassic: Down + 2
  • Zap Zap: Forward + vii
  • Elder Storm Strike: 7
  • Brutal Commodities: Dorsum, Forward, 1
  • Karma: Downwards, Frontward, 2
  • Planted: Back, Forward, 3, half-dozen
  • Pushing Through: Back, Forwards, 3
  • God's Wrath: Dorsum, Forwards, 3, six

NEXT: MBTI of Mortal Kombat Characters